Travel Depression, Vacation Depression, and Coming Down From Long Journeys

  Fall solstice is just around the corner and I’m gleefully looking at all the Halloween items popping up on store shelves and even on some doorways already. Piping hot ersatz squash beverages are out in full force. Unsurprisingly, people are trying to get those last minute vacations in if they didn’t already before the […]

Guest Post! The Nomadic Heart: Living and Loving as a Digital Nomad

The V-Day theme continues! But today’s going to be a little different with a guest post from my friend and colleague Zack Strebeck, a California gaming attorney who runs the Legal Moves podcast I’ve appeared on a few times. Without further ado, here’s Zack’s perspective on romantic prospects and living as a single indie developer when […]

Things Heard in Digital Nomaddery: Uptown Adventures of Old Money, Crackheads, and Unfetched Baked Goods

Last spring, I had an interesting adventure that made me feel like I was in a Seinfeld episode (and not just because it was partly spent being not that far from Monk’s Diner.) You know, the gang would intend to do something like go to the movies together or get a seat at a popular […]