Rachel has taught at game developer-centric Playcrafting and Code Liberation in addition to guest lectures at universities. If your school or organization needs a business educator with knowledge of the gaming industry, the reptile hobby, or just a revolutionary flair, Rachel brings several years of financial and small business consulting to the pond.

If your conference, university, business meeting, or other event needs an entertaining motivational speaker or a noted business-of-games expert to get that convention off to the right start, Rachel Presser will leave your audience electrified, informed, and probably laughing themselves into asthma attacks.

Content makes the web go round whether you sell toothpaste or video games. Sonic Toad Consulting is HubSpot Inbound certified and is experienced in all manner of content creation and planning efforts that will help you leap to the lily pad that’s got the audience you desire.

With extensive experience as an author, by-lined columnist, and pen-for-hire, Rachel has written thousands of articles, whitepapers, marketing taglines, game descriptions, blog posts, and more in addition to her own games and books.

Starting an indie studio or striking out on your own as a freelance writer, artist, or other creative and entprenreneurial venture is exciting, but can also be scary. If you need a small business and freelancing expert to help you navigate the realms of marketing and branding, business management, taxes and finance, and changes to your personal life as a result of chasing your entrepreneurial aspirations? Sonic Toad is here to guide your or your team through this process, warts and all.

Growing your indie studio is a thrilling and often turbulent path to attaining III or AA status. If your investors and onboarded team members are a little overwhelmed, chances are you’d like to focus on game making and leave the business to but can’t find the right long-term candidate. Sonic Toad Consulting is available for interim business development management to guide your studio through complex financial transactions, marketing campaigns, and can even assist in your talent search for the right producer or manager.