Sonic Toad Media offers a variety of writing for hire services. In addition to game narrative writing, Rachel Presser is an experienced copywriter and content strategist.
While marketing assets and business communications for game developers are Sonic Toad Media’s forte, Rachel has also written thousands of blog posts, whitepapers, web copy, and other assets for clients in the technology, public policy, financial, and digital media spheres. In addition to by-lines at Gamasutra and prior work as a columnist and podcast producer at Game with Your Brain, Rachel is currently reprising this role for the award-winning home design blog, Home Stratosphere.
The Sonic Toad blog has been discontinued and no new entries are being added, but you can still view archived entries by clicking on the toad icon below. Check out Rachel’s personal essays on Medium, game-related writing on Gamaustra and Game with Your Brain, and other clips on Contently!
Curated industry-specific content can be found on the clips page.