Happy Frederick Douglass Day!

I spent all week talking about relationships and shit! So…I’ve covered how the single life can be both awesome and awful, how entrepreneurship can strain a relationship, toads showing affection, and digital nomad Zack did a guest post on having a love life when you live out of a backpack. So I didn’t want the grand […]

Becoming More Receptive to Inspiration

Every creative person needs a muse, right? What if you were surrounded by muses but simply had no idea what to do with them? When you’re in a really shitty and stressful time of your life, sometimes that distress can wind up inspiring you (see: a vast majority of punk songs) but too much distress […]

How The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Was Ahead of Its Time, and What It Told Us About American Values

All these TV shows from my childhood are getting reboots. Boy Meets World, Full House, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and probably a few more. Part of me thinks this is a really cool byproduct of crowdfunding which is how MST3K and Reading Rainbow among other beloved IPs at least 20 years old got resurrected, […]

Things Heard in Digital Nomaddery: Uptown Adventures of Old Money, Crackheads, and Unfetched Baked Goods

Last spring, I had an interesting adventure that made me feel like I was in a Seinfeld episode (and not just because it was partly spent being not that far from Monk’s Diner.) You know, the gang would intend to do something like go to the movies together or get a seat at a popular […]

I relentlessly cheated at Avernum 5 and it made me think about morality.

I was really stressed out and badly in need of some downtime. I opened up Avernum 5 to blow off some steam. If you’re unfamiliar with Spiderweb Software’s offerings, it’s the brainchild of Jeff Vogel who was an indie developer before it was cool. When you were known as “shareware” and laughed out of the […]