How the R&D Tax Credit Usually Works for Indie Game Developers

Another tax season is on and March Madness is coming, along with GDC. You’ve got less than two months to file your individual tax return, and if you run your studio as a corporation, less than three weeks! Have you sat down with a tax professional yet, or figured out what to do if you […]

How do you put yourself out there?

I’m sure you’ve been told to do just that to grow your following, find better gigs, or going beyond work stuff: finding love and happiness, or that perfect taco. But well, how do you actually put yourself out there? If you’re just starting to break into the entrepreneurial mindset, you may have a lot of […]

Where’s the voice of the single indie game developer?

It’s V-Day week. So this week at Sonic Toad, I’ll be posting all about singledom and relationships in the game development and self-employment contexts! And if you’re an indie developer who’s single, it probably feels like every dev diary, postmortem, or Gamasutra piece about the vagaries of the indie life is virtually always centered around married/coupled up […]

Becoming More Receptive to Inspiration

Every creative person needs a muse, right? What if you were surrounded by muses but simply had no idea what to do with them? When you’re in a really shitty and stressful time of your life, sometimes that distress can wind up inspiring you (see: a vast majority of punk songs) but too much distress […]

Why You Shouldn’t Skimp on Your Game Audio: A Producer’s Perspective

Why do game devs overlook audio so much? This is really befuddling. Maybe I have that perspective because music is a HUGE part of my life. One of the biggest aspects of my identity is my involvement in the punk, hardcore, and metal scenes. I’ve played in punk bands, can read music, and was an […]