The Banana Bread Effect

One day, I had a bunch of bananas sitting out on the counter. I love bananas because they’re versatile, cheap, portable, and if they fall on the floor I can still eat them because they have a tough natural wrapper. Well, I really just wanted to eat this one banana and save the rest for […]

Is there a glass ceiling in the freelance world, or is it just scaremongering?

I’ve been seeing a lot of pieces lately about how the pursuit of entrepreneurship, or simply going freelance, isn’t solving the problem of the glass ceiling. This is a discussion that most definitely needs to be had, especially as millions of jobs slowly get phased out every year to become contract and freelance positions when […]

A Loving Open Letter to the Class of 2016

Congratulations, recent grads! You’re likely insanely excited, or maybe scared shitless, to make your way out into the world now. I just want to impart some unsolicited wisdom, remembering how excited I was when I was your age: back when it took a certain kind of person to go online, cell phones weren’t universal yet, and […]

What They’ve Drilled in Your Head: The Evils of Crunch & Live to Work Redux

The title is a reference to my favorite Crumbsuckers song “Live to Work”, which I referenced in this post about relationships being strained by the pursuit of entrepreneurship. I not only feel that this song still embodies the incredibly toxic culture of the same moniker that has utterly permeated Americans’ brains, but also pockets of the […]

When is Content Marketing Just Content For the Sake of It?

Every so often, I get an email soliciting content creation (read: writing my blog for me.) I do some content marketing work on Writer Access, so I’ve been behind the scenes on this. I’m familiar with ghost blogging, e-book ghostwriting, and just creating the kind of content that everyone from tax offices to jewelry sellers need to attract […]